

WE-EASY is an application for parent to take care of their new-born or young children in a better way. We use Human-Centered Design process to design this project. It starts from a broad theme and gradually evolves into a specific design question. We utilize various methods for user research, analyzing data, synthesizing information and designing the final product.


Mar-May, 2017

Team Member:

Xiaotong Du, Danyang Sun,
Zhili Chen,  Yuchen Du

My Role:

UX Research, Ideation, Sketch, Wireframe, Prototype, User Testing

Design Process

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Design Questions

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User Research

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Refine Design Question

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Paper Prototype


Site Map



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UI Design

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User Experience Test

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Refine Hi-fi Prototype

Mind mapping

Start from the theme of civil engagement, we work through human rights and animal rights. Woman right is the final topic for our design. We use mind mapping to find needs.

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Design Questions

● How can we balance the duty between father and mother when they taking care of their baby?

● How can we let men show empathy to women during their period?

Identify Design Question

This process got enough information to prove that the question is the real problem in the society. We try to make a wise decision by considering the culture differences and the current contextual. It guides us to a right direction and choose a good design question.

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● Women in the western country confronts less problems than women in eastern countries during their period.

● We gather much more topics, information and problems from parents than women in their period.

● Dad is confident of parenting baby, but mom always lacks of confidence for dad.

● Parenting baby consists of many kinds of difficult tasks, especially for the first-time parents.

Initial Design Question:

How can we balance the duty between father and mother when they taking care of their baby?

User Research

| Define Stakeholders

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Who have babies under three years old or expectant parents.


0-3 years old, babies under 3 years old tend to have more problems that bothers their parents.

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People who assist parenting work. Baby sitter play an essential role to affect the baby's schedule.

| Conduct Research Methods

1. Historical Analysis

In the first step, we need to have a general understanding of the big environment and the target users. We chose Historical Analysis to know the background and development of woman’s right and how the parents parenting baby from the past to present.

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Evolution of Family



Maternity leave in USA

Maternity Leave Policy in the world


Recommended Immunizations

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• We found out the big changes along with the development of the society.
• Women tends to have more equal rights in the society.
• Men start to evolved themselves more into parenting works.
• There is no paid maternity leave in U.S. Parents tend to go back to work after 6 weeks and send their children to day care center.


2. Competitive Product Survey

Second, we use Competitive Product Survey to know what kind of products on the market right now for helping parents take care of their babies, and analyze their common points and different focuses. In order to find the opportunities for our product.

who's your daddy

Who’s your daddy?

This app is designed for the first-time dad. It aims to assist dad to make preparation the birth of the baby.

daddy interface

Baby Sprout

Baby Sprout is an app for parents. It has many functions related to the growth and development of baby.

daddy interface

Cozy Family

Cozy Family is a shared calendar. reminders and grocery list for the whole family. It provides a way to manage everyday family life.

daddy interface


Things to Avoid

● Overwhelming functions will add the complexities for family to complete tasks.
● The confusion caused by logging into a family account.
● The ill-structured menus prevent user from finding useful function or information.


Things to Learn

● The language style could be humorous and easy to understand.
● Simplified visual design will show the hierarchy of the information more clearly.
● Simplified functions can help user reach their goal in an efficient way.


Market Trends

Most of the application provides many practical functions, useful tips, records and milestone for parents.

3. Proto-Persona

We build proto-persona based on the initiative data and our assumption. This step helps us identify who would be our target user and interviewee.

who's your daddy


Basic Info:

Age: 27
Middle Class
Income: $50,000 a year
Home Life: 1 kid, 1 dog
Schooling: Have a bachelor degree in Finance




iPhone user
Keep fit
Love traveling
Love photography
Love social media
Care about the quality of life


seeks the balance between work and family
wants to be success

who's your daddy


Basic Info:

Age: 29
Lower-Middle class
Staff in delivery company
Income: $40,000 a year




Love workout
Have a rock band


wants to spend more time with family
keeps a free lifestyle

who's your daddy

House Wife

Basic Info:

Age: 35
Upper-Middle class
Income: $140,000 a year
Schooling:Have a Ph.D. degree in medical college


male chauvinism


Always under high pressure
Focus on health and hygiene
Like playing bridge


Cares about kid’s education
Develops his professional skills
Loves planting

4. Flow Analysis

Flow Analysis is the first step to analyze the flow of parenting activities. We are able to understand the whole process of taking care of baby. We will also be noticeable about what process will cause bottlenecks and provide the design opportunities.
We use two examples to show different flows for baby in different age.

we easy flow analysis



Parenting work is full of various tasks.
Activities are different for the baby of different ages.
We can find some chances for dad to help mom when parenting baby.
Parents cares about what they should do and how to do when baby is in different developments.


5. User Interview

After we learn the knowledge about the big environment and products, we walk away from our indoor environment to interview peoples in the park, to listen what they say and feel, to adjust our assumptions.

who's your daddy

7 Moms

who's your daddy

2 Dads

who's your daddy

1 Expert

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Q & A

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Can you tell me a problem when parenting your baby last time?
Parenting is not very difficult, but time-consuming and tiring. I don’t have time for myself and have to change lifestyle.   --- Mom
Feel stressful for baby cry, don’t want eat, or sleep so I don’t know what to do. Feel bad when I can do nothing.            --- Dad
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How do you assign parenting work with your partner?
Pretty equal, He does a lot more the cooking and dishes, so it gives me more time to spend with baby. But we both work together, dressing him, play with him. He get a little bit of more play time.
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Do you feel confident when parenting your baby?
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Did you use any application to help you parent baby?
I don’t use app because of too much to work with and keeping update frequently.  --- Dad

6. Refine Persona

We synthesis the information from the previous interview and research. The main goal for refine persona is to create a common language in a design team. Different users may have different goals and behavior. Thus, we should focus on the typical user and start our design. Persona provides our team members with empathy for the user.


Identify behavioral variables and any demographic variables
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Map Interviewees to variables
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Identify patterns
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Define goals, clarify distinctions and add details
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Persona description


Rachel Page

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She is 27 years old, has a busy work and a 3 months baby. She tries to balance her work and family. Ordinarily, she sends her baby to daycare and then goes to work in the morning. After work, she will pick up her baby and go back home. She does most of the parenting work and her husband helps her to do some housework. She pays attention to the development stage of her baby and try to track it from cellphone app. Her baby has sleep problem sometimes, in order to taking care of him, she sacrifices her personal time and changes her personal life style. Parenting works make her depressed.


Seek more free time for herself
Balance the duty between work and family
Seek for better baby development and pattern


Matthew Conner
Staff in delivery company

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He is 33 years old. He has a full-time job and two kids, the one is 3 years old and the other is 6 months. He spends most of his time on the work in workday. While in the weekends he would prefer to spend time with his family, and take his kids outside. After work, he will help his wife to take care of his babies and try to do more housework. He feels frustrated and doesn’t know what to do when his babies cry and cannot eat and sleep. He tries to use cellphone app to help him record schedule, but he finds it is too much work to keep updating on cellphone. he hopes he can know more information about parenting and understand his babies’ behaviors. He wants to simplify the whole process of parenting and spend more time to focus on the work.


Feel successful about parenting
Make parenting easy to do
Spend less time on parenting and focus on job


7. Affinity Diagramming

Affinity Diagramming is a process used to externalize and meaningfully cluster observations and insights from our research.

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we easy-affinity diagramming
we easy affinity diagram


1. Parents want to know if their baby is developing on right track or not.
2. Parents need to know baby’s pattern to create a schedule.
3. Parents want to know more skills to cooperate efficiently.
4. Children’s sleeping problem always exists in the family.
5. Father want to know more tips for parenting baby.
6. Parents need a simple tool to record their baby’s daily routine.
7. Parents want to have some free time for themselves.

design Question

After completing user research, we found that parents don’t have problem of assign the parenting work. They assign the work by reasonable not equal way. Most of parents indicated that it is hard to get their kids go to bed at night. These are the reasons why we change our design question.

How can we balance the duty between father and mother when they taking care of their baby?


How can we solve the sleeping problem of the baby by a cooperative way?


Affinity diagramming allow us to find the crucial problems and needs from users. It also lay the foundation for the brainstorming process. We are able to think about practical solutions for the real problem. Many specific design requirements and creative ideas have been generated during this session.

post it notes- we-easy-ideation
we easy ideation
we easy ideation


After completing user research, we found that parents don’t have problem of assign the parenting work. They assign the work by reasonable not equal way. Most of parents indicated that it is hard to get their kids go to bed at night. These are the reasons why we change our design question.

Paper prototype

We Easy paper prototype


Paper Prototype User Testing

We provide the background information for the tester and ask them to complete several tasks. At the same time, the user should speak out all the thinking process in their mind. This test helps the team to recognize the obvious flaws on the prototype.

Backgound Introduction

You are a mom/dad of the three-month-old baby. You feel frustrated when your baby starts to cry and don’t want to go to bed. You don’t have enough time for yourself when parenting your baby. You would like to find a baby pattern by recording baby sleeping and eating time to help you find the baby pattern and know the development of your baby.


1. Sign up and enter baby information
2. Your baby is sleeping, how to record the sleeping time
3. Go to We-easy app from widget
4. Create to do tasks
5. Prepare a gift for you partner, when she/he complete task
6. Find what you should do before your baby go to bed



1. User get confused about what the exact location or meaning of widget.
2. When user try to use iPhone widget to enter into our app, he doesn’t know where to click.
3. The function of to do task is to help parents create the task related to parenting baby. But users tend to create a task related to their daily life.
4. Users have difficulty in finding the gift function.
5. Users always spend more time to finish wish list than the main function of the app.

Site map

we easy site map
we easy site map
we easy site map


we easy site map


we easy logo


An app to help the family who have babies under 3-yesrs-old. Users can track the feeding and sleeping time in order to help babies form a regular schedule.

we easy ui design
we easy ui app watch design'

Color Palette

we easy color palette


we easy font
Interface Design

we easy 1 Hour before bed


One Hour Before Bed

This is a feature to help parents to prepare the activity before bed and let the baby develop a habit of sleeping on time.
We assume that the baby will sleep at 8:30 pm. Parents will get a notification at 7:30 pm. It will notify that your baby should sleep at 8:30 pm. You can browse some tips to help the baby go to bed, such as give the baby a bath at 8:00 pm and then tell him a story at 8:20 pm, then the baby will fall asleep soundly.
This idea meets the needs for helping parents to solve the babies’ sleep problem. It is a functional reminder for parents to remind them the baby is about to sleep one hour later, you should help him come down, relax and go to bed on time.


Engage iWatch with recording

According to our research, some parents realize it is hard to keep up to record the development of their babies. But they are willing to find their baby’s pattern based on record his daily routine, and form a regular schedule for their baby. As a result, parents will have more free times for themselves.
We recognized that many record apps require complicated process to complete record. The simplified idea is to show the two main buttons for parents so that they can record the information in an easy way.

we easy 1 Hour before bed
we easy 1 Hour before bed


One Hour Before Bed

This is a feature to help parents to prepare the activity before bed and let the baby develop a habit of sleeping on time.
We assume that the baby will sleep at 8:30 pm. Parents will get a notification at 7:30 pm. It will notify that your baby should sleep at 8:30 pm. You can browse some tips to help the baby go to bed, such as give the baby a bath at 8:00 pm and then tell him a story at 8:20 pm, then the baby will fall asleep soundly.
This idea meets the needs for helping parents to solve the babies’ sleep problem. It is a functional reminder for parents to remind them the baby is about to sleep one hour later, you should help him come down, relax and go to bed on time.


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User Experience Testing

We chose WE-EASY and Baby Sprout to conduct the User Experience Questionnaire. This is a method to measure the user experience by comparing two products. We found 40 users to complete several tasks by using different products. We get many valuable feedbacks from our user and also the results of the test.


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we easy home page

Babt Sprout

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we easy ideation
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