Sogou Reading
Bookstore Page Redesign


Sogou Reading is an e-book reader app for iPhone and Andriod mobile devices. Millions of users read e-books on this app every day. Sogou Reading hasn’t change the Book Store page for about a year. Internal stakeholders asked UX research team to provide insights in order to help them understand users’ pain points and needs.

My Role

Qualitative Research: recruited users, designed online survey, conducted interviews, generated insights from Affinity Diagram, designed User Journey Map, and assisted my mentor to create insight report. I also get the chance to present key insights to Project Director and other internal stakeholders.

Quantitative Research: Analyze Click-through Rate(CTR) on the Discover page to evaluate the intelligent recommendation system.


Meet with Product Managers, Product Operators, UI and UX Designers. Understand their problems, needs, and constraints.

Key Questions:
1. In what situation readers will visit the page?
2. How did readers usually find e-books to read?
3. What are those pain points and needs when user visit the page?

Impact and Result

The redesign of the Bookstore page led to 28.74% increase in CTR.

V 4.0


V 5.0

Key Takeaways

Communication is the key to success.
Getting internal stakeholders to participate in the research process will have an extra bonus.
It will be valuable to test the new design with previous interviewees before publishing it online.
Be aware of the schedule of a major user group is helpful for interview recruitment.

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